James Duthie – 40 Year Long Service Award

I first started at Gray & Adams in May of 1983. I was due to start the week that Aberdeen were playing in Gothenburg but I was going to the game so I was able to postpone my start date to the following week. I started my career at Gray & Adams in the assembly department putting cappings on vans, and most of my 40 years within that area of the business, before moving across to road to the foamfill department.


A career highlight for me is seeing the company grow and expand. My gaffer Kenny Burnett was always keen and helpful, sorting out problems and so on, he helped me out in the long term, so I really appreciated his mentorship.


Gray and Adams has been a really good firm to work for, it has been great for getting the work and keeping everyone in a job. I have really enjoyed seeing the business expand over my 40 years there.