28 Jun Gray & Adams ranked 18th place in the Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200 league table
It has been announced that Gray and Adams have been ranked 18th place on the 9th annual Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200 league table, ranking Britain’s mid-market private companies with the fastest-growing overseas sales over the past two years, with required growth in profit or sales and this position marks an excellent achievement for Gray and Adams as we continue to see progressive growth across the business.
In the UK annual rates of international sales growth are up significantly on last year. The minimum rate required to achieve a place on the league table has leapt from an average of 16% a year over two years in 2017, to 25% this year. The average rate of growth across the table is 62%, and Gray and Adams achieved an excellent 126% growth.
In total, the list of companies in the table made a significant contribution to UK GDP, with sales in their latest year of trading of £22.8bn, of which £10.1bn were overseas. They also employ 106,000 people. Gray and Adams is delighted to be recognised for successful growth on a national scale.
With sales to Ireland, Holland and the UAE reaching £12.4m in 2017, Gray and Adams is proud to showcase the potential of the British and Northern Irish markets internationally and are delighted to have achieved the 18th place on the league table this year.
Following an invitation from The Sunday Times, we will be attending the awards dinner on Tuesday 11th September in London. We look forward to celebrating our achievement at the awards dinner and to focus on our continued growth in the year ahead.
The full supplement can be viewed here.