20 Dec Andrew Brown looks back on 2022
2022 started on a more positive note. The pandemic that had affected all our lives since 2020 was on the retreat, or at least we had learned to live with COVID-19. The manufacturing inflation that had been caused by the world closing down appeared to be easing, there was light at the end of the tunnel. Then in February, Putin invaded Ukraine sparking the worst economic crisis since the 1970’s. The rising price of energy and raw materials has forced inflation to a new 30 year high.
Gray & Adams has not been immune from the crisis, but we have continued to have very high demand for all our products and services, and thank all our customers for their support and understanding.
In April, the business was recognised by Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce winning two awards, ‘Family Business’ and ‘Business of the Year’. This was a significant honour and acknowledgment for a business that has successfully supported many families and young people in the region for over 65 years. May brought a successful return to pre Covid face to face business relationships in the form of the TCS&D and CV show. By the summer, the UK was experiencing record temperatures. With governments tumbling and a worsening supply chain crisis the only option was to keep calm and carry on.
In September the business once again enjoyed industry success and recognition winning the coveted ‘Trailer of the Year’, and ‘Rigid of the Year’ at the TCS&D awards. Our Dunfermline factory also received high praise by being voted ‘Supplier of the Year’ by Bidfoods.
But September also brought great sadness with the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her service of 70 years meant few of us have known any other monarch and the nation gave thanks for her 70 years of duty.
Autumn saw the run in to Christmas and all factories are operating at 120% ensuring most vehicles reach customers ready for Christmas season. If I had to choose a hero for 2022, it would be the hundreds of men and women that make up out manufacturing operations. They have worked long hours in the most adverse of conditions recently, overcoming the constant supply chain interruptions and rescheduling around the incessant delays. If anyone has earned our thanks and a toast this Christmas day, it is these hard working individuals.
On that thought, it only remains for me to wish our staff and customers a very happy Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.